Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quick Update

Hi! It's after 11 pm and I'm heading off to sleep soon. It's a nice rainy night and 3c. Glad I'm all tucked up snug in bed. The house is pretty well done thanks to some heroic measures by Steve my husband. The kids room is tidy and organized. The living room is mostly livable except for the bookshelves which are all in a jumble. I can hardly believe we've been here for a year already. How the time flies. Tomorrow morning I've got to get the bathroom mopped and tidy the kitchen before getting off to church. As long as she doesn't have a problem with clean laundry we'll be fine as I think there are 9 baskets full ready to be sorted and put away or given away. I think I'll put on a good movie tomorrow afternoon and get to it.

In the Kitchen

Made Bread today. Buns, 2 loaves (1 for my dad) and a pizza with cheese, sauce and garlic and herbs.

Breakfast was cereal for the kids.
Lunch was Pizza, sandwiches with ham and butternut squash soup. Cost $10 for 7 people
Dinner was cabbage rolls (frozen from the store) and pineapple upside down cake $10 for 6 ppl

In the Garden

Steve had a yard fire to get rid of the trimmings and tidy up from the winter mess of pine cones and downed branches. It's been swept too. Dad announced his plans to build raised beds this spring so we gave him our copy of Square Foot Gardening to read.

In the Coop

The chicks are moved to new digs. A lovely big box with their feeder, waterer and heat lamp. They are the basement in Steve's tool storage room. So far so good. They seem happy and warm and they have netting over the box so they cannot escape and get lost.

Well, time to say "Goodnight!"

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