Hi! It's been an interesting day. It snowed about 3 inches of nice wet snow, enough for us to wonder if the van would make it back up the steep hill after Kindergarten. (It did) But on our service calls we found almost no snow in Parksville and none at all in Bowser. So weird that the climate and weather can change here in a matter of a few miles. In Bowser, well Deep Bay actually, we stopped on the spit to look at the boats in the harbour and see all the eagles and seals gorging themselves on herring. It's that time of the year again when the herring come close to the beaches and in huge numbers. The fishing fleet is busy as are the local fish eaters. Watching a bald eagle surrounded by seagulls as she dives down to catch a fish then takes it off to eat is beautiful. Unless you're a fish. The calling of the seals to one another was very nice too. It was a bit windy so a nice surf and as it was high tide you could see all the action up pretty close to the sea wall. This sight continued from Deep Bay some 30km to Parksville. Amazing really.
The kids had a nice relaxing afternoon without mum and dad to annoy them. Chris is however a total basket case. All his term 2 work has to be handed in tomorrow and guess what...he's not done. He's been working like crazy for the last 2 days and he's still got partof tomorrow but I don't think he'll make the deadline. His teacher will give him a little slack, but only if he gets at least 80% of it in. I didn't tell him that yet, I just sent him to bed.
Steve and I went to Chapters to get book 2 by Kristen Britain. It turns out they sell book 1 and book 3 but they're out of stock of book 2 and have none on order for the foreseeable future. How dumb is that? Anyway, I ordered it online with Beekeeping books for Steve and with any luck it will be here late this week or early next week.
In the Coop.
Chicks are hatching! We have 3 hatched today and another 4 pipped I think. We've set up a temporary brooder in the bathroom again with a 75watt spot light in a clear plastic tote. It seems good and comfortable for them so now we just wait to see how many more hatch. We've got 2 Brahma/red rocks and one Silkie. They're so CUTE!! I'll take some pics and post them tomorrow.
In the Kitchen
Veggies and pasta in a garlic sauce for lunch with a can of ham sliced. Nothing fancy but tasted good. $7 Dinner for kids was leftovers. Steve and I went out for a date and blew $50. Oh, and we also bought gumboots for the kids and doughnuts for the family.
In the Garden
Nothing new since yesterday.
I did want to pose a question for you to think about. In regards to house size. Why is it that families live in medium sized houses and yet little old ladies live in huge houses by themselves? Why, when families are getting smaller, are our houses getting bigger? In an age of energy efficiency, shouldn't we be looking at building smaller spaces to heat?
Well, I'm ready for a long sleep. Having the clocks changed takes me a little while to get used to. Hope you are tucked up snug and warm. Goodnight!
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