Sunday, June 1, 2008

I Love Facebook and Banana peeling question

Why? Because I can keep in touch with my friends and family. You see, that's hard to do when you have a busy life. So I appreciate the ease and convenience of Facebook. But I was thinking today as I drove home from church that it really could be used for good and evil. So what do you think?

I can ask you the question now because I'm going to maybe let a couple of people read my blog, which is akin to letting someone read my diary. I guess maybe it will be a little more impersonal but maybe not. I'll just have to try it and see.

WARNING!!! My life is not that interesting!!

This week I get to hang with my granddaughters whom I love dearly, butcher chickens, go out to a friends for dinner, work, clean, babysit, be a full-time mum, and all the other stuff that goes along with being me.

I have a couple of thoughts today, prompted by my having an afternoon nap (not something I usually do) and having a very unpleasant dream. Thanks to my honey for the cuddle after I woke up. That was just what I needed.

1. What things do you do that you'd like to change? Are these things that you're working on, or just thinking would be nice? Gossip less? Be less judgmental? Be kinder? More refined and less coarse? Be a better example to those around you who are struggling? Be more grateful?

And number 2. The question of the day...

Which is the right end of a banana to peel? The stalk end? (like most westeners) Or the blossom end (like most people from banana growing areas and also monkeys) Go ahead and try it and let me know what you think. I peel from the bottom because I hate getting those long strings on my banana and if you peel from the bottom they don't get on your banana, they stay in the peel.

Gotta go. Need to share my MacBook with it's rightful owner.

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