Saturday, July 25, 2009

Recipes for Zucchini

It's that time of year again....Zucchini time! Yes I can hear some of you groaning!

This is the time of year when your friends and neighbours say things like, 'you can come over as long as you don't bring anything green with you'. Or, when you get a knock at the door and when you answer it there's nobody in sight but a beautiful zucchini is waiting for you on the step. Does any of this sound familiar?

Would you believe I actually don't have this problem?

Here's the number one tip for having less zucchini.....GROW LESS! Yes indeed, if you don't need much then 1 plant is all you should grow. Now granted, the 1 plant I've got growing in town has gone nuts. It's about 5 ft. tall, 8 ft. wide and is currently producing 3-5 large fruits a week. Yes that's right, from flower to fruit in 7 days and we're not talking little fruits either. I do have other plants at home and in the greenhouse but I limited their root space by planting in pots so they bear more slowly and fewer fruits.

Still, if you find yourself with a glut here are some ideas:

Easy Choc. Zucchini Muffins- Grate finely one medium zucchini with the skin on. Prepare a choc. cake mix but leave out all the oil/butter and add the grated zucchini instead. Mix well, bake as usual, freeze or eat within a few days (not a problem in my house).

Fried Zucchini- wash a zucchini and slice into 1/2 inch thick slices. Heat some oil/butter in a pan and add zucchini. Sprinkle with any of the following: garlic, pepper, salt, chili powder. Fry until brown underneath then flip over and continue cooking for a few more minutes until both sides are done. Serve hot as a side dish.

Relish. I won't list the recipes here as everyone has a favourite and there are hundreds online but relish is easy to make, quite inexpensive if you already have the zucchini, onions and spices on hand, and is a good way of storing your harvest into the winter. It will keep for at least a couple fo years in a dry, dark, cool storage room if you properly process and seal the jars. Oh, one note, if you're going to be canning this year and I assume you are, remember to check all your jars a couple of days and a week after storing them just to make sure that the seals are still good. If nto you'll have to put the offenders in the fridge and eat right away. Just a hint that seals can sometimes hold for a week or so and then give out so it's always a good idea to check the lids periodically to avoid surprises. :)

Marinated Zucchini Salad

It is your choice to peel or not peel the zucchini, I personally like the extra vitamins and minerals. Toss the thinly sliced zucchini with the lemon juice, garlic halves, olive oil; salt and pepper to taste. (If I think about it, sometimes I add a bit of finely grated lemon zest, too.) Remember to use a non-reactive bowl for marinating ie. glass. Cover bowl and refrigerate 4-8 hours, stirring occasionally.Once you are ready to serve the salad, remove the garlic cloves. Save one garlic clove, finely minced and toss back into the salad along with the fresh herb of choice. *Important*: stir in the fresh herbs with the zucchini mixture just before serving and no before.

Stuffed Zucchini Easy

This recipe is good for any size zucchini, especially that monster you just discovered hidden under a leaf. Cut a zucchini in half lengthways and clean out the seeds, leaving a nice empty spot for your stuffing. Use your own recipe or make up 2 packets of cornbread stuffing mix. Place into zucchini mounding it so the top will fit over. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be perfect. Wrap in foul and bake for 1 hour at 350 or wrap in plastic wrap and microwave for 10 minutes. Zucchini should be fork tender when done. Unwrap, slice and serve.

There you go. A few ideas to get you started.

There are loads of delicious recipes for zucchini. You can use it lasagna and mousakka. Parmesan cheese seems to be very complimentary as do many of the spice blends you can buy in the store like 'garlic plus' and Mrs. Dash sort of things. Don't be afraid to experiment. If you go to and type in zucchini you'll find loads of fantastic recipes. So enjoy your green harvest and maybe look upon your neighbours as actuallt giving you a gift worth having. And you can always repay them with one of your jars of relish.

Well, I'm off. My son is getting back from Pioneer Trek today and we have to go to Port Alberni to collect him and his friend Corry. Also trying to find my stash of diapers for a friend in need and think my sister has them...hmmm. Time to tidy out my closet you think? Also work continues slow. Hopefully there will be response to the advertising we are doing for Nova Appliance.

What are you up to?


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bounteous Harvest

Gardening continues. New rows of peas are in as we speak and I'm doing my winter veggie starters this afternoon. Our garden in overflowing! I'll have to take some pictures as soon as I can find the charger for my camera (or borrow my hubby's). It's insane, you'll see nothing but a colossal wall of green. You'd never know that there are 18-24 inch spaces between rows.

We are currently picking peas, spinach, carrots, beets, zucchini, leeks and raspberries. This week we'll add beans to the list.

The pumpkins and squash are going nuts though the watermelons aren't really doing anything, it's odd. Cantaloupes seem to be doing something but not sure what as they've been covered by the pumpkins. Speaking of which, I'm going to build a series of saw horses to raise the pumpkins off the ground because they're seriously squashing everything around them (no pun intended).

Today Chris has his final kayaking lesson and his exam to see if he can pass the Paddle Canada Level 1 course. He's really apprehensive about doing the eskimo rescues because he says it goes against his nature to deliberately capsize his kayak and stay under the water waiting for somebody to rescue you. He'd much rather just release his skirt and wet exit or better yet not capsize in the first place. I'll let you know how it goes.

Today in the garden I've got to water in the new row of peas and just see what else needs some work. The peas and beans are producing so fast that I'll probably need to be out harvesting everyday next week so I should stock up on freezer bags.

Work continues to be slow. Really have to get advertising in a hurry. Something to work on this weekend. The website is at least working though and is almost finished as far as content goes. It's at so check it out!
Gotta run!
