Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Well, the groundhog predicts another 6 weeks of winter. We're in Canada and it's the beginning of February so what do we really expect? That said, one of the most joyful signs of Spring arrived at our farm last night, our first lambs. Born to our big white ewe that we were sure was having triplets, were 2 lovely lambs yet to be named and sexed. Mum and babies are doing well and we'll get pics for you today too.

Tomorrow is a big day. The calves are doing fine again after the attack of bloat and tomorrow they're getting banded (castrated using an elastrator) and tetanus shots as well as worming. It'll take Deanna, myself and Steve to do it so it should be an interesting few hours. Afterwards we'll get them in a clean stall then let them eat until they feel better. They're ready to be outside now so since the weather is so amazingly nice this winter we'll get some fence up and build a 3 sided shed for them.

More later.

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